- The newsletter of IBTM with Douglas Jacoby.
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- Conversations / Surrogacy, Embryonic Death, Advance Directives, etc.
Conversations / Surrogacy, Embryonic Death, Advance Directives, etc.
Buenos días from Madrid! Vicki and I aren’t just teaching this week, but also exploring the stunning cities of Madrid and Toledo with friends. I once had the privilege of speaking here (some 15 years ago). For Vicki, this is her first time in Spain. We are both teaching from Luke and Acts.

In today’s newsletter we introduce a new series, “Conversations.” (Warning: we may be sharing too openly, but some things demand to be said.) Today we also continue the series on human bioethics.
Vicki and I have had many, many conversations with one another—and with many of you—about the condition of churches worldwide. We aren’t speaking for all Christians or all the Churches of Christ, but instead focusing on the 100,000-odd members in our wing of the Restoration Movement. We’ve decided (with your encouragement) to address some scriptures that have consistently been used in some unhealthy ways. Our hope is to:
Rethink familiar passages
Encourage the disillusioned and affirm those hoping to learn more Bible, and all who deep down truly want to be called higher
Suggest alternatives for those seeking change
Answer your questions (even as we seek answers to our own)

For the introduction to the series, click HERE. Next week we will reflect on the past 20 (what’s changed, what hasn’t, where is this all leading), and in the following weeks we’ll begin reexamining the scriptures, beginning with Matthew 18:15-17.
Surrogacy, Embryonic Death, Advance Directives...
The current series on human bioethics continues with five miscellaneous topics. Credit: Dr. Calum MacKellar of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics. For previous newsletters and bioethics article links (starting 19 April), click here.
To conclude our series, next week expect some thought on eugenics—a horrifying “science,” popular at the turn of the 20th century. Is it making a comeback today?

For even more material, visit the Trinity Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
That’s all for this week. Thanks for remembering us in prayer. ¡Adios!