- The newsletter of IBTM with Douglas Jacoby.
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- "You Just Need to Forgive" (?) / Turkey / Prophets False & True
"You Just Need to Forgive" (?) / Turkey / Prophets False & True
Good afternoon from Scotland—we’re back home from Cornwall. Just around the corner from the house we rented there is an old Wesleyan Chapel. Which reminded me of a hilarious piece of humor from 40 years ago, sent to us by a friend in New York. If you could use some comic relief, click HERE. (Then please come back to the newsletter!)

Wesleyan Chapel, Treligga, Cornwall
If you’re ready for something more substantial, read on. This week’s offerings:
“You Just Need to Forgive”—Andrew Kitchen
Prophets False & True, part 2—iFaith Sermon on the Mount series
Biblical Study Tours—focus on Turkey
Specific ministry needs—book fund and biblical training
“You Just Need to Forgive” (?)
The following guest article by Andrew Kitchen (Sydney, Australia) challenges the common counsel to just “forgive” those who have treated us abusively.

You need to forgive and move on. Right? Or maybe it’s actually very wrong. Someone has said terrible things to you, accused you, treated you harshly, possibly spiritually abused you in a church setting and now you are being told to forgive the perpetrator, because… you know, forgiveness is what Christians are supposed to do. CONTINUE READING
Prophets False & True, part 2
Our study of the Sermon on the Mount continues with lesson W, on Matthew 7:15-20. To watch the current video sermon, click here. If you missed last week’s iFaith message, Prophets False & True, part 1 is available here.

Biblical Study Tours: Come to Turkey!
In June we will meet in Turkey (Izmir—biblical Smyrna) for a conference on the Seven Churches of Revelation. This is a meaty event, with 14 scholars presenting a wide array of classes. We’re following it up with three more days exploring seven more ancient sites, including Colossae, where excavations began in earnest just last year. Although the event is less than 8 weeks away, it’s still possible to join. For more information, click Turkey 2023.
Next October we’re excited to be able to offer a tour of an entirely different part of the country. The tour is called “Abraham’s Country—Eastern Turkey.” See the map below for the itinerary. For more information, click Turkey 2024.
Most Christians don’t realize that Turkey is the second land of the Bible, rich in Old and New Testament sites. In fact, Turkey (ancient Anatolia or Asia Minor) is where most of the apostle Paul’s ministry took place! Visiting this ancient land can be a truly faith-building experience.
Israel update: As for the upcoming (overlapping) Israel tours, 17-25 Feb 2024 is full. There is a short waiting list. Spaces will open up whenever there’s a cancelation. 24 Feb-3 Mar, on the other hand, still has 11 spaces left. To learn more, click here. We’re also in the planning stages of a unique Israel tour for 2025, focusing on culture, food, and the lives of women in the first century.
Can You Donate?
Getting people into the Word (Book Fund) and training them biblically (Athens Institute) are crucial goals of this ministry. The Word is a lamp unto our feet (Psalm 119:105). And it’s amazing how much light there is—if only we can capture it! The photo below was taken on my iPhone. Although you probably think you’re looking at the the sun, it’s actually the moon. Older generation phones could never take a shot like this. With better lenses and advanced technology, clarity and resolution are greatly heightened. Even so, with passion for the Word and some basic training, we can learn to see so much more of God’s world—and in different, often surprising ways.

Moon rising over Cornwall
Current IBTM ministry needs fall mainly into two broad areas: teaching materials and the Athens Institute of Ministry (biblical training).
Total need: $25,000
Giving in 2022: $7118
Given in 2023: $559
$900—Philippines ($143 received, $757 remaining)
$477—Zimbabwe ($293 received)
$450—Kuwait ($143 received, $307 needed)
$450—India ($0 received)
$238—South Africa ($0 received)
$207—Kenya ($93 received, $114 to go)
$207—Ivory Coast ($0 received)
$207—Nigeria ($196 received, $11 to go)
Are you in a position to donate? To give, please reply to this email (I’ll get back to you soon) or give online at the Support page of our website. We are grateful.
Until next week…
Thanks for all your trust and prayers.
The Jacobys