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- Conversations 4 / The winner is.... / Turkey / Wright on Women
Conversations 4 / The winner is.... / Turkey / Wright on Women
Good evening! It’s nice to be back in very sunny Scotland (sunset today is after 10pm) and enjoying time with friends. Yesterday I flew home from a wonderful visit to Turkey, speaking at the Global Smyrna Meeting and also leading a post-tour to Hierapolis, Colossae, Attalia, etc.
The harbor of Antalya (biblical Attalia, the port used by the apostle Paul)
In today’s bulletin:
Conversation 4: Is This Love?
NTW on the Women’s Role
Israel Winner
Change: Turkey 2024
Q&A on Numbers 24:17
Conversation 4: Is this love?
Click here for our 4th conversation, “Speaking the Truth in Love.” Not everything said (even if true) is loving, especially when hidden agendas or manipulation is involved.
Also included are a talk on shepherding (login required), links to the Control series, and the stimulating article, “What Know-It-Alls Don’t Know, or the Illusion of Competence.”
Women in the Church (Wright)
This paper by N. T. Wright was posted at my website 10 years ago, and is still helpful. The full title is “Women’s Service in the Church: the Biblical Basis.” Click here to read. To watch the video, click here.
Turkey 2024: Bad news & Good News
Although a handful of people have indicated interested in the October 2024 Eastern Turkey Tour (promoted for the past year), we don’t have anywhere near the 35 participants needed for this to be financially viable. (Sorry.) However, there’s an exciting alternative plan—for June 2024. Full details in next week’s newsletter!
Israel draw winner
From the 31 entries (from 11 countries) into the draw for a free tour of Israel (Feb 2024), a random number device selected the winner. His name is William Ellis. Congratulations, Bill! (It’s nice that the winner is someone I know; we have spent time together in Central America.) Thanks for signing up for premium membership at the website. I trust the 10 cents a day will give you much food for thought.
Dome of the Rock, Muslim shrine, late 600s
Bill has already been notified by email, and as long as he replies soon, he remains the winner. (Otherwise there will be a second draw, next week.) I know you’ll enjoy your tour, brother.
Balaam Prophesies Christ?
Q: How is Numbers 24:17 a Messianic prophecy? I'm not convinced. After all, these are the words of Balaam, who led the Israelites into sin. Help me out.
A: To begin with, sometimes people tell more than they know, as in Caiaphas' "prophecy" of how Jesus' death would save God's people (John 11:49-51). And Caiaphas was the high priest who engineered the crucifixion! Balaam was driven by impure motives (Num 31:16; 2 Pet 2:15; Jude 11; Rev 2:14). And at times God's Spirit comes on those who don't seem to be in a saved relationship with him (1 Sam 19:23-24). So Balaam's heart is not the issue, but how the Lord was using him for his sovereign purposes.
Let's now take a look at Num 24 (the most relevant part of the verse). KEEP READING
In the next few months, besides ministry in Scotland, I’ll be in England, Georgia, Florida, and Colorado, and am also considering invitations to Switzerland, China, and the Czech Republic. Your prayers for wisdom are appreciated.
Yours in Christ,